“The days you work are the best days” Georgia O’ Keeffe
I am a freelancer artist from India and my core area of art practice is in Printmaking and Drawing medium. My artworks depict woman as the live emblem and beholder of energy. I co-relate with nature’s different elements as a pointer of source and struggles in each of my prints. My initial works are primarily an effort to depict the journey towards individual’s growth in achieving own individuality and evolving to a higher domain. Women being the central character of my expression, the feminine attributes of nature have been prominent in my works. Even I have depicted nature as a beautiful trap. The creepers are an important element in my earlier works. Most of my works oscillates between women centric emotions in relation to nature and our surroundings. The nature’s elements automatically break the monotony keeping aside the mundane objects of our surroundings. It basically manifests the challenges of our everyday life that shape and reconstruct the individuality of a woman and which eventually empower her. Within the paradigms of the hurdles she grows as a person. Nature gets glorified in all its latent aesthetic and effervescent charms in my prints. There is an undercurrent of fantasy which establishes a bridge between the individual and the nature around us.
My special thanks to the Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation for the grant in Printmaking 2019, 2020, 2023.
Brief introduction to the webpage
Welcome to my website. Most of my artworks are arranged in the main menu as per the category of the art mediums. Please visit each menu i.e. Etchings, Woodcut, Linocut, Lithograph, Drawings, Mixed Media. The menu ‘Awards and exhibitions’ gives details of the exhibitions I have participated so far and the awards, residencies in my artistic pursuit received so far.
Please share your feedbacks to my email id [email protected] or you may inbox me. Any prospects for gallery participation/collaboration and art buying is welcome.