Hiding Series

Title: ‘Hiding’, Medium: Linocut on rice paper,  Size:  12 ” x 10 ” each block (panel of linocut prints) Year: May-Jun 2020,   Editions: 5

Hide and seek is the most famous game, we all played during our childhood. The series of  linocut works are based on hiding, which starts from the child play.

This panel of works had been exhibited in 39th All Odisha Art Exhibitions of Odisha Lalilt Kala Akademi at Kalinga Art Gallery,  Museum, Bhubaneswar, India  from 31-12-2021 to 7th Jan 2022

Category: Tag:

Hiding , Size:  12" x 10 " Year: 2020, Editions: 5                                             













Title: Hiding, Medium: Linocut, Size: 12″ x 10 ” Year: 2020, Editions: 5, This is an in-situ image as displayed in solo exhibition in 2022 at Hyderabad, India